Request your free DEMO and Trial license

See yourself what you get and start your free 30 day trial:

  1. We will give you a comprehensive demo of EZ-MES and answer any questions.
  2. Beside a demo, we will also give you a 30 days trial license of EZ-MES.
  3. We will support you with configuring the first flow(s), to give your evaluation a kick-start.
  4. Ready to go into production, migration from Trial to Production is easy.



What to expect after you submit your trial request?

  1. You will receive an automated e-mail confirming your request.
  2. We will call or e-mail you to schedule the demo.
  3. We set up a new server with EZ-MES pre-installed on it and send you the URL.
  4. You are ready to use EZ-MES. You can use the Getting Started Manual to configure your system
  5. To facilitate a quick start, we can pre-configure EZ-MES with your specific industry examples.

Any Questions?

Please contact us.